Your search - ERROR 1833 (HY000): Cannot change column 'id': used in a foreign key constraint 'FK_371009292576E0FD' of table 'foo' - did not match any documents.
Ask yourself some questions
How would other people having the same
issue ask for help on StackOverflow?
How would someone else describe this issue
when writing a blog post on the topic?
Try different combinations
Thinking about the problem from different perspectives can help YOU solve the problem by yourself!
What details contribute to the problem
and in what context does it present itself?
What is the root cause of the problem you are facing?
Google is better at search than any other site.
Always try to understand and learn from other peoples code you are using.
Google related: Search
I know I read an article about that just the other day. What was the search query again that I used to find it?
Give a man an answer, help him once.
Teach a man to find the answer himself,
help him for a lifetime.